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Pinnacle of Fall: Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkins can take us through the whole fall season. From divisive pumpkin spice beverages in September (I’m firmly pro-latte) to wholesome pumpkin patch picking in October, the whole festive season is guided by these orange gourds. And what better food to encapsulate the flavors and spices of the season than a pumpkin pie?
Twisted Treats: Soft Pretzels for Autumn
Lately I’ve been making soft pretzels more and more from scratch as I’ve found new recipes to incorporate in with the oldie goldies. Plus, although chasing the perfect twist shape on these puppies is rarely satisfying in the outcome (I see you, uneven ends), it’s a worthy challenge nonetheless.
Herding Swine and Judging Cornbread: Fun at the 4-H Fair
While summer is still here, I wanted to remind us that it is the time of County fairs. In some places that means rides and funnel cake, in others it means farm competitions and animal sales. For those of us in the Central Pennsylvania county of my youth, it meant our 4-H projects needed to be finished and ready for competition.
Pennsylvania Dutch Adventures: Snitz Pie
…Perhaps those older recipes were even more vague than what I’d been given. An incremental vagueness stretching back to the very beginning of time when someone's Grandmother’s instruction was simply “Make the pie... Serve.” Shudder.
Dad’s Famous Cookies
This recipe also has a special place in my heart: It is a recipe that was handed down through generations of my family. My Dad made tons of these cookies when I was growing up (and still does!), and we kids helped as well (lots of licking of the -unplugged- beaters at the end, before the scrumptious tradition of eating raw dough fell out of fashion).