Hygge By The Hearth

A fireplace can be the heart of a home during cold weather months. A place to gather round with mugs of cocoa, to enjoy the flickering light, spend time with loved ones (or rock it solo by yourself!) and of course a place to give thanks for shelter and warmth.

So why are you seeing a fireplace post in Summer? Keep reading to find out…

Caring for your fireplace is a service to both your hearth and the rest of your home. The Danish concept of “hygge” relates to the coziness of simple pleasures, of time with friends, and a comforting atmosphere. What better place to start incorporating hygge into your life than the fireplace?

To begin with, caring for our fireplaces, be they gas or wood, is the right place to start. Cleaning and maintaining fireplaces is one of the best ways you can ensure your home’s safety, and sleep better at night. On a cautionary note, heating equipment is the number 2 most common cause of house fires according to the National Fire Prevention Association website. (Number one is cooking!)

While I’m not a qualified professional and these tips are not all-inclusive, a few things I’ve learned about fireplaces are below:

  1. A Chimney Technician’s tasks vary depending whether you have a gas or traditional fireplace, but having a certified and qualified fireplace technician on call for regular yearly maintenance is a must for either.

  2. A great time to get your fireplace inspected is in the SUMMER! Hence the timing of this post. I have been told by our fireplace professional that this is because you can more easily get the inspection scheduled before the fall and winter rush: Before that holiday time when people suddenly realize again after a year of ignoring it that they have a fireplace, and yes, would in fact like to use it.

  3. The Chimney Inspector can clean, inspect, and test your fireplace and chimney for cracks, flammable soot build up, gas leaks, and more. Gunk is gross, people. So get an appointment lined up today! Even if you don’t use the fireplace regularly, cracks in the chimney can form which become dangerous when you do wish to use it.

  4. Check out the NFPA website for more safety tips, including how to safely use metal screens, ash tins, and more.

5. If you have a gas fireplace, have your technician show you where your Dante valve is and how to use it. Ask if you can video tape them going through the cycle of lighting the pilot light, so you will know the procedure in case it goes out. Ask them what to do in the event you smell gas coming from the fireplace or Dante valve. They will be happy to educate you! Have your tech ensure your flues and valves are working properly.

6. Pick up a combination carbon monoxide/natural gas detector for your home as well. They’re not costly, and give a lot of peace of mind for potential leaks. Place in the location(s) indicated and relax.

When used and maintained safely, fireplaces can lend a cozy and festive atmosphere to a space during the cold fall and winter months. So plan ahead now to enjoy some hygge later in the year!

Happy homemaking!


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