Quick Flooring Tips

Summer is here at last! Whether you relish the warmth or dread the disgustingly clammy humid weather, here on the east coast of the U.S. it’s a bold season that won’t be ignored. Between sunburns, sweat, and swarming cicadas, you’ll know when it’s here. More time out in the sun means more dirt tracked inside, so it’s time to grab our brooms because indoor-outdoor living doesn’t have to mean gunk left on our floors for weeks on end!

Wood Floors

If you have wood floors sealed with polyurethane etc (not the same as oiled wood floors), check out Bona brand wood cleaner. This staple has never done me wrong. It’s gentle, effective, and safe. Boom, easy choice.

Grab two microfiber cloths: one to help with stubborn spots that the mop just won’t budge. The second one is to buff away excess water as you go. Yes it means some time on your hands and knees, but it protects the wood from too much moisture and brings the finish to a shine. Set a towel under your knees if needed for comfort.


For carpets, now is the time to freshen and clean. Baking soda sprinkled on a throw rug can freshen it, but remember to clean it up using a shop vac, not a regular vacuum- the particles can clog the filter of a regular vacuum and burn out the motor.

If you use a carpet shampooer on a throw rug, bring it outside to dry in the sun if possible. (If there's no good space available, try spacing out two (clean) sawhorses and draping the rug on them.) The sunlight will further sanitize and freshen, and it won’t sit on your floor trapping moisture against it. Moisture could damage a wood floor or encourage mold to grow on the back of the carpet if it doesn’t dry quickly enough. Anything more than 24 hours of moisture can put you at risk of mildew and mold growth.

Thanks for checking out these quick tips — that’s all for now!


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